Experienced attorneys offering the specialized attention required in today’s complex legal environment.

Trusted Local Real Estate Attorneys Serving Friends And Neighbors

Nearly any real estate deal involves large sums of money and the potential for costly mistakes and delays. In order to protect your investment, the wisest course of action is to consult an attorney who can prevent problems, resolve issues quickly and ensure your rights and interests are protected.

At Brown & Brown, P.C., our attorneys have been working with buyers, sellers and lenders in both commercial and residential real estate transactions for decades. We are proud to have represented multiple generations of individual families throughout Bedford and the surrounding communities. The keys to our success include our attorneys’ collective knowledge, attention to detail and personal attention devoted to clients.

How We Can Assist With Your Real Estate Transactions

Good legal representation is especially important in Massachusetts, which recognizes the legal principle of caveat emptor, or “let the buyer beware.” You are solely responsible for ensuring that you know what you are buying. Once the deal has been finalized, you may not have any legal recourse to address problems you discover with the home or mistakes in the paperwork.

Our skilled and experienced attorneys will provide advice and guidance throughout the duration of your real estate matter, including:

  • Drafting and finalizing offer agreements
  • Drafting and finalizing purchase and sale agreements
  • Writing amendments or riders to purchase/sale agreements
  • Representation and real estate closings

If you are looking to build on or develop a property and need to ensure compliance with local regulations, we can also advise you on zoning and land use matters.

Find Out What We Can Do For You During A Free Consultation

Brown & Brown, P.C., has been part of the Bedford community for nearly a century. In that time, we have earned a reputation for delivering high-quality service and personalized attention. If you’d like to discuss your real estate needs and learn how we can help you, contact us today to schedule a free initial consultation. Just call 781-275-7267.